Click on the buttons below to read either "Cheers for Cheetahs" or "Fabulous Female Athletes."  Then complete the worksheet.
Excitement and Energy could be felt Thursday morning as students waited to board the buses to Guangzhou.  The noise level was high throughout the trip on the bus and Leo compared it to a playground.  I would have to agree.
First stop: Opium War Museum and bathrooms.  To extend their learning in Chinese Guided Discovery, students visited the museum and discovered how opium was made, its impact on the Chinese and trade and how it did have its benefits.  Bathrooms were not very appreciated by Michelle who said that Hong Kong is better because she doesn't have to squat.  I'd agree.
After the museum, students were famished and devoured a Chinese lunch.  They gobbled up rice, vegetables and tofu to which Justin stated was his favourite dish.
The highlight of most students besides the hotel was the river cruise along the Pearl River.  Nathan was quite disappointed at the speed of the boat - "slow as a snail and it didn't go very far."  But the sights were quite a wonder.  A tall woven building was admired by Kanoa.
Students, having asked when they would get time at the hotel, were excited as we pulled up into the Holiday Inn.  The rooms were big and spacious and almost everyone watched TV and had a party. Food, music and jumping on the bed.  But all stayed tucked safely in their rooms.  Lauren and Natalie had a bit of trouble with hot water and Justin wanted to know if the coffee was free.  Problems were fixed and Justin had his coffee.
The favourite meal of Ramsay was breakfast - a bit of western amongst the Chinese lunch and dinner.  Clarisse was disappointed with breakfast though as the other grade fours who were faster got to eat hotter and more food.  She settled with yogurt and a sausage.
Shopping - finally!  On Ancient Street, students bought shuttlecocks, artwork, jewellery and keychains.  I was surprised at how thoughtful many of our students were, picking up things for moms, dads and brothers and sisters.  Julian bargained and bought a bug in a jewel keychain to scare his sister.  
The bus ride home was the longest ever - we inched forward in traffic towards the border.  But Liam kept the group entertained with the Trumplimpics (as coined by Codi).  When we finally got to the border it was well past six.  Students and teachers were hungry and long awaiting beds and dinner in Hong Kong. 

We begin a new unit in Guided Discovery: Light and Sound.  There are lots of fun activities we'll be conducting to learn all about sound. 
To get you excited, here's a glimpse of what we'll be learning!

Students are embarking on a new and exciting learning adventure.  Through the use of technology, students are going to be sharing their work, working collaboratively and offering feedback and support to peers across grade 4. 
As the Ning is a private network and members need to be approved, it is a safe working environment for our grade 4s. 
I encourage you to talk to your child about what he/she is reading and to ask them to share their work that they have been doing on the Ning. 
Should you have any questions or concerns, do send me an email.
Click on the button below to read Electric and Magnetic Power by Mary F. Blehl.  Then complete the Google form.  Do not forget to click on the submit button.
Students came in to school today, a bit nervous and a bit excited; they were about to share their learning journey with moms and dads. 
I was overall very pleased with the depth of understanding in the sharing today.  They worked hard to share what they have been learning in the latter half of the year.  Poems were read, characters were described and hair was being raised. 
Parents were supportive, listened and gave feedback to their children about what they have been doing well and where they can make improvements.
I look forward to the last eight weeks of school and hope for a strong commitment to learning.

What are magnetic fields? 
Sometimes magnets pull together, but sometimes they push apart.  Why?
Read pages 382-383 of your science textbook and then complete the form below.  Remember to click the submit button so I get your answers.
Buzzers were a buzzing, motors were a whirring and lights were a lighting.  Students were creating both series and parallel circuits today and in the process creating some noise in the classroom.
Through the building of different types of circuits, students have developed an understanding of these circuits and which type of circuit is most often used in homes today.
They understand that a circuit needs to be closed for electricity to pass through, and that a parallel circuit can continue to allow electricity to pass through when one switch is down.
Finally building upon their prior knowledge of heat, conductors and insulators, students manipulated nails, paper clips and washers in their circuits, demonstrating their understanding of how conductors allow energy to pass through.

What a very intense game today at lunch with 4Yi pitted against 4Xiao.  With energy and enthusiasm from the crowd, the players were pumped and ready to play.
Up first was the girls with Lauren scoring our first goal and Amme defending a few in goal.
The boys played next but the game was tied 1-1.  
It ended with penalty kicks, and sadly, a 5-4 loss.  
Despite the loss, I am very proud of 4Yi's commitment to the team.  They were supportive, cohesive and encouraging of each other.  A big pat on the back and a huge high five.

Students today explored the Van De Graff Generator and in doing so were shocked - quite literally. 
Static electricity was created and passed on from peer to peer to peer.  They were excited and a bit scared, but, of course, overcame their fear and had great fun.
Thanks to Miss Kolarov for setting up the Van de Graff Generator and for helping us shock each other. :)